
Leviticus 10:10 (2/19/15)


February 19, 2015 • Benham Brothers

God had just killed Nadab and Abihu for offering strange fire (Lev 10:1-2).
The fire of God fell on the sacrifice just one verse prior, but God's fire fell on the offerors in the following verse.
Then, after all this, God gives Aaron instructions on what he is to do when offering a sacrifice.
He wasn't to get drunk off the wine, which reveals what his boys had been doing.
Why? Because if he did then he wouldn't be able to distinguish between the holy and the profane.
Interesting - if the priest got drunk off the temple goodies then he would lose his ability to teach the people how to distinguish between good and evil.
The removal of distinction has always been one of Satan's key strategies - he loves the color grey.
Spiritual leaders need to heed this warning:
They should not get drunk off the "ministry" goodies - the blessings that come with being the man or woman of influence.
If they do then their natural tendency will be to back out of helping their congregations distinguish between holy and profane - they will remain silent when they should be speaking.
If they don't make this distinction then the fire of God will fall on them and not their sacrifice.
This is one of the reasons why pastoral burn-out happens so much - God's fire is burning them and not their sacrifice.