
Joshua 3:1-8 (4/7/16)

A Promise and a Plan

April 7, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Josh 1:2 & 10-11 - God promised Joshua they would cross the Jordan, but He didn't give him a plan on how to do it.
• In faith, Joshua began to move.
• He was focused on the PERSON of God being faithful to deliver on His PROMISE, even though He didn't have a PLAN.
• They got to the Jordan and camped - they didn't cross. Why?
• Because he did not yet know God's plan.
• Joshua told the priests to lead the way. Why?
• Because he knew how God had led them in the past under Moses.
• On the third day they started moving, and then God gave the plan!
• Lesson (actively waiting):
• 1) We need to move forward in faith when God speaks.
• 2) We need to go at His pace.
• 3) We need to let God lead us.
• 4) We need to be ready for His plan in His time.