
Joshua 1 (4/16/14)

Move Toward Obedience

April 16, 2014 • Benham Brothers

God commanded Joshua to cross the Jordan but He didn't tell him how.
Joshua didn't wait for a plan - he moved toward obedience before he knew how.
Joshua's focus was on the God of plans and not the plan of God.
Luke 17:14-15 - Ten lepers were cleansed in their "going."
Joshua 3:4 - He didn't know the plan, but he did know that God must go first!
God gave him the plan only after he moved toward obedience.
The Jordan River was at flood stage right now - the odds were stacked against them crossing it.
Joshua could have gone first and got his men to start building rafts to get the people across.
When the soles of the priests feet touched the Jordan the waters stopped several miles away in a town called Adam.