
1 Kings 8:63 (5/25/17)


May 25, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* The essential element of love is sacrifice.
* You know how much you love someone by how much you’re willing to sacrifice for them.
* Solomon’s willingness to sacrifice so much proved His love for God.
* Flocks and herds represented money back then.
* Can you imagine getting to 100k and realizing you have 42k more to go?
* This is sacrificing an animal every 4.2 seconds for a solid week without stopping.
* Two observations:
* 1) The way we live can be a thanks-offerings to God.
* The way we work, talk, think, serve, etc - all can say “thank you” to God.
* 2) Our very lives themselves are to be living sacrifices to the Lord.
* Today, people want salvation without sacrifice.
* They don’t want to give up anything - or they only want to give up “most” things.
* Luke 14:33 proves this is impossible.
* One of the reasons this is believed is because of faulty theology.
* We hear that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice so we have to do nothing.
* We have to be willing to pick up our own cross before we will truly be saved.
* Every day we have an opportunity to offer ourselves as a sacrifice to the Lord.