
1 Kings 1:8-10 (5/18/17)

What Attracts You

May 18, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* Notice how Abiathar (bad priest) was attracted to Adonijah (the bad king).
* Both guys were seeking a name for themselves.
* But Zadok (the good priest), Benaiah (the warrior), and Nathan (the prophet) were all attracted to David (the good king).
* The conniving, brand-building, ambitious, self-seeking man refused to hang around those who were faithful to the one true king.
* Question - who is attracted to you and who are you attracted to?
* All too often we see pastors staying away from certain people because what’s in them doesn’t jive with what’s in the others.
* vs 32-25 - it was the prophet, priest, and warrior who made Solomon king!
* We need to represent Jesus as king, and the only way to do it is to be like these guys!