
Acts 16:14-15 (7/27/22)


July 27, 2022

* All throughout the Bible God used marketplace people to accomplish His tasks. * Even the word “entrepreneur” is laced with spiritual meaning. * “Entre” means “go between” / “Prende” means “to undertake.”  * An entrepreneur goes between people with problems to bring solutions.  * An entrepreneur’s identity is that of an intercessor (Ezekiel 22).  * Kingdom Entrepreneur - “a risk-taking go-getter who generates income by meeting needs so that he can be a bridge that connects people to God.”  * Backstory - the gospel is spreading. * People aren’t meeting in synagogues - they’re meeting in houses. * Paul traveled to Philippi to preach (there was no church there). * Vs 13-14a - Lydia was a female entrepreneur. * Purple cloth meant she owned a boutique selling luxury clothes. * Vs 14b-15 - her house was big enough to have all the apostles in it! * The first church in Philippi was founded by an entrepreneur. * EX: Love Life looking for entrepreneurs in cities.