
Lev 19 (3/6/14)


March 6, 2014 • Benham Brothers

* When someone wrongs you our natural sinful flesh wants to hate that person in our heart.
* God gave us a prescription so this would not happen - it's called "reproof."
* When someone wrongs you there are 3 options:
* 1) Hold it in - don't say anything. This will turn to anger and bitterness because you aren't strong enough to carry it.
* 2) Reprove them out of anger - when you do this you are focusing on them and not God. If you focus on God and His love toward you then you will be gentle in the reproof.
* 3) Reprove them out of love - you have an eye to God and His mercy and not toward the person and their blunder.
* When you reprove you are giving the offense to God and allowing Him to carry it.
* It is not contingent on a response from the person - whether they respond good or bad it doesn't matter.
* The only way we can do this is to keep God as the central focus.