
Genesis 1:26 (12/30/20)

Why Man?

December 30, 2020

* God had a plan when He created the first man. * Before Adam existed, an angelic war broke out in Heaven. * Lucifer wanted to be God, so he was thrown to earth along with a third of the angels (Ezekiel 29:12-17) * Lucifer turned into Satan and the angels into demons. * Then God created man. * Genesis 1:26 - Adam was given dominion over the earth. * Psalms 8:5 - God created man “a little lower than the angels.” * Why? * Tony Evans - ““....God created man to demonstrate what He could do with less when that less is committed to Him, verses what happens to more when that more is in rebellion against Him...God gave mankind the ability to rule to demonstrate to the devil that He could do more through a lesser creature in manifesting His glory than the once-shining star (Satan).” * EX: Basketball coach with scrubs beat a team with all-stars - it points to the brilliance of the coach! * This is why God didn’t destroy Satan - He wants to destroy him through someone less than him. * Plan A was Adam #1 - he was the “fly route.” * Plan B was Adam #2 - he was the “waggle.” * When Adam #1 messed up, Satan got his kingdom (at least, for a short while). * This is why God sent Adam #2, and is why Satan went so hard after Jesus - he knew Christ had given up His Godness while on earth and He fully became a man. * It was Satan’s golden opportunity to keep his kingdom. * But Christ kicked his butt! * EX: Basketball coach tells his all-start to play with his opposite hand. * God made us to smack Satan’s butt to prove that God can do more with less when that less is fully committed to Him!