
Leviticus 6:13 & 10:2 (2/15/15)

Fire of God

February 15, 2015 • Benham Brothers

6:13 - The fire on the altar was never to be put out.
Here are the sacrifices that were made:
1) burnt offering - repent of sins in general, thus showing our devotion to God.

2) grain offering - showing honor and respect to God in a spirit of worship, recognizing that all things belong to Him.

3) peace offering - expressing gratitude toward God for all He's done.

4) sin offering - repent of specific sins, thus restoring our fellowship with God.

5) guilt offering - making payment for the sins we commit - living with the consequences of our sin.
10:2 - The fire of God was going to consume either the sacrifice or the person making the sacrifice.
It all depended on the reverence of the person making the sacrifice.
Nadab and Abihu were getting drunk off the wine of the temple - this is like a pastor getting drunk off the blessings of the church - all the little goodies that come along with being a pastor.
These boys got burned up.
So many church leaders are getting burnt out because their sacrifice isn't proper.
I can't judge their reasons, but I can tell you that leaving the church is not God's best, and His fire is consuming the person as opposed to their sacrifice.