
Ruth 3:3 (4/26/18)


April 26, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* This is a great picture for young people to see how Boaz and Ruth began their relationship.
* Ruth first established herself as a woman of character.
* This is what first attracted Boaz.
* If you want to attract the right person BE the right person.
* Notice that advice Naomi gave to Ruth about how to attract her man:
* 1) Smell good - don’t let any foul odor come from you.
* If you stink you detract, not attract - this includes attitude!
* Renewal - Take a bath (take off the old) and put on perfume (put on the new).
* 2) Look good - don’t look a mess!
* Your outward appearance shouldn’t turn him away.
* A cheerful look makes the heart glad.
* Be happy! How you present yourself on the outside affects the inside.
* 3) Go to where the Godly man is.
* You won’t find the right person in the wrong place.
* 4) Time it right - the right thing done at the wrong time is wrong.
* Don’t rush things - all things are beautiful in their time.
* If you’re in the right place around the right people the right time will come.
* vs 7 - Ruth took her mother-in-law’s advice and she was eternally rewarded - she was the great grandmother of the greatest king who ever lived.