
Ruth (4/24/16)

The Story of Redemption

April 24, 2016 • Benham Brothers

- Redeem means “to set free by paying a price" - it's about LOVE.
- KEY - Only those who receive this love WTC will experience this freedom.
- The book of RUTH is a physical picture of this redeeming love - it's a love story.

- BEGIN With The End In Mind - Matt 1:5.
- See where you want to be and work backward.
- Our scene is BETHLEHEM.

- PART 1: (1:1-5) - Famine - Two Types:
- 1) God’s leading - He’s moving you to another place.
- 2) God’s judgment - He’s punishing for sin.
- Pattern - Untruth, Unfaith, Disobedience, Death / Truth, Faith, Obedience, Life.
- Which pattern will you choose?
- Naomi tells the girls to go find husbands......
- PART 2: (1:14-18) - WTC!
- Ruth clung to Naomi - she LOVED Naomi and placed her FAITH in God.
- Law - no Moabite could enter the congregation, but Ruth placed her faith in God.
- Ruth wasn’t focused on her stuff - she was focused on God and Naomi.
- God was busy taking care of Ruth’s stuff in the background.
- Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem......
- PART 3: (2:1-7) - Work is Worship.
- Ruth was a producer, not a consumer - Boaz was watching.
- Boaz returns the favor done to his mother, Rahab.......
- PART 4: (2:8-15) - Divine Attraction.
- They were attracted to each other’s CHARACTER first.
- They were drawn to qualities you CAN CONTROL, not those you can’t control.
- Nowhere do we see a mention of Ruth’s or Boaz’s physical features.
- Naomi tells Ruth that Boaz is a kinsman redeemer.......
- PART 5: (3:1-9) - The Plan.
- She approached him - we must approach Jesus.
- Spread Your Wings (2:12)
- The very thing he attributed to God she now attributed to him!
- Boaz wants to redeem them.......
- PART 6: (3:11-14) - Die To Your Dream.
- Boaz wanted Ruth, but he was willing to die to her.
- He did what was right even when his emotions were going crazy.
- vs 14 - he never touched her - true love WAITS.
- Boaz sits in the gate........
- PART 7: (4:1-10) - Fulfillment of A Dream.
- Vs 4:13 & 17 - Ruth becomes the mother of Obed - Jesse - David..........JESUS!