
Lev 16:5-21 (3/6/14)

Two Goats

March 6, 2014 • Benham Brothers

- God chose two goats to be sacrificed on the Day of Atonement (day of "covering" for sin).
- One goat was for covering over sin, the other goat represented the guilt associated with the sin.
- The goat of sin was to be killed and sacrificed on the altar.
- The goat of guilt was to be released into the wilderness.
- You cannot be free from the guilt of sin until you release it.
- God wants you to let it go - Satan wants you to keep it. Why?
- Goats are stubborn, and so is guilt. If you have a goat attached to you then you won't fight!
- God wants you to be free so you can fight His battles. UFC fighters are always loose!
- Who was the one who got to release the goat? The man standing in a position of "readiness" (vs 21).
- Think of Gideon's army - those who were chosen were those who were ready to fight.
- Think of Jesus with His disciples - He told them to "be ready, keep watch."
- If you're not in a position of "readiness" then the guilt associated with your sin will not be released.
- You'll operate out of guilt instead of releasing it.