
1 Kings 17:2-3 (6/3/21)

When to Hide & When to Stand

June 3, 2021

* There’s a time to hide and there’s a time to stand. * Elijah shows us this. * Vs 1 - He spoke truth boldly to the King. * Vs 2-3 - God hid him away. * Vs 4-6 - He stayed in this place more than a decade (11 years). * Then God told him to present himself to the King again. * The famine was so severe the king blamed Elijah and wanted to kill him. * Elijah made a public challenge - God vs Baal. * Elijah stood strong, and God won the day. * But then Ahab’s wife, Jezebel, heard what Elijah had done. * She was a Baal worshipper, and she had already killed many prophets of God. * So when Elijah heard that she was after him, he did the same thing God told him to do 11 years prior - he ran and hid! * 1 Kings 19:1-3 - He “ran for his life.” * But it was wrong for him to do, and ultimately, got him replaced by Elisha. * Notice the difference: * The first time he hid it was for his DEVELOPMENT. * God had to prepare him for the great work ahead. * Matthew Henry says, “For the present, in obedience to the divine command, he went and dwelt all alone in some obscure unfrequented place, where he was not discovered, probably among the reeds of the brook. If Providence calls us to solitude and retirement, it becomes us to acquiesce; when we cannot be useful we must be patient, and when we cannot work for God we must sit still quietly for him.” * The second time he hid it was for his DELIVERANCE. * He took matters into his own hand, operated out of fear and not faith, and ran! * He defaulted back to something that worked in the past. * As a result, he was replaced by Elisha. * EX: My son Jake - he’s ready to fight! But he needs to hide. * EX: Mega pastors on talk shows not willing to stand - they need to stand! * How do you know when to stand and when to hide? * If you need further development, hide. You know you’re developed by the love you feel in your heart toward people. * If your stand can bring deliverance, stand. If captives can be set free, stand strong!