
Ruth 4:1-4 (4/26/18)

Closing the Deal

April 26, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* In real estate a deal can’t happen without a ready, willing, and able buyer.
* 1) Ready - they are prepared to buy - they don’t have anything lingering that would cause them to not close on the house.
* The time has to be right - the right thing at the wrong time is wrong.
* 2) Willing - they have to “want” the house - they don’t need to buy what they don’t want.
* Buying involves sacrifice - giving something of value to receive something of greater value.
* 3) Able - this is the kicker for most buyers - they have to be able to afford the place they are ready and willing to buy.
* If there’s not enough money they don’t get the house.
* Being “able” means you have the capacity to follow through and see a task to completion.
* These go hand-in-hand with a man looking to marry a woman.
* When God brought the right woman Boaz was ready, willing, and able.
* 1) The time was right.
* 2) He was willing to make the sacrifice.
* 3) He was able to provide for her and start a family.
* He worked hard to build a business while he was waiting for a wife.
* So when she showed up he had no problem closing the deal!
* Young men need to live like this so when God says JUMP they can JUMP!