
Leviticus 9:23-10:2 (2/13/19)

God's Presence

February 13, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* The book of Leviticus shows us God’s prescribed way at this time in history to have His presence dwell among people.
* His presence is like the sun - it’s so good for us and we need it, but it has a dangerous side to it if you don’t handle it properly (hell’s itch).
* God told Moses to build the tabernacle and do the sacrifices “exactly” as He commanded.
* vs 23-24 - He did, and the glory of the Lord came down along with fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice.
* vs 10:1-2 - Aaron’s sons didn’t show respect and reverence to the Lord and fire came out from the altar and consumed them.
* The same fire comes from heaven, but it will either consume you or your sacrifice.
* It just depends on the type of sacrifice you offer and the spirit in which you offer it.
* Is it your best and did you offer it willingly?
* If it’s a good sacrifice God accepts it.
* If not - if you cut corners or do it flippantly you will experience burn out.
* vs 9 - these brothers were most likely drunk - taking in the “goodness” of God.
* vs 10 - allowing anything other than God to intoxicate you will remove your ability to distinguish between right and wrong.
* We need to seek reverence over relevance.