
Going The Wrong Way

How to know you're moving the wrong direction in business

March 8, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* God’s response to Balaam’s willful disobedience was to make his path difficult.
* He did it in a “natural” way (not with signs and wonders).
* He used a donkey, a mountain, a foot that felt pain.
* Salaam should have recognized he was on the wrong path, but he was blinded by his own selfishness.
* The problem was the path he was on - he was going the wrong direction.
* But it manifested itself in his method of getting there.
* The donkey kept giving him problems.
* Look at the three things that happened with his donkey:
* 1) He went the wrong direction (vs 23).
* 2) He caused pain (vs 25).
* 3) He stopped moving (vs 27).
* Apply these to your own life.
* If you’re dead set on going your own way God will let you, but God will speak to you along the way.
* It will most likely be a natural thing you could explain away (like a transmission going out in your car).
* * Does it feel like you’re moving in the wrong direction?
* * Has it gotten painful for you - tired, frustrated, easily angered, confused, family suffering?
* * Have you stopped moving completely - you’re stuck?
* Balaam was going to build his own platform and he sought ambitiously to do it.
* He was never able to see that God was standing in his way.
* Are you on the right path?