
Ruth 3:12 (5/14/14)

Dying to Self

May 14, 2014 • Benham Brothers

Boaz had great wealth and yet he slept in his barn during harvest with the other workers.
He took notice of Ruth and what an amazing woman she was - he found himself falling in love with her.
When Ruth presented herself to him he responded that someone else had the right to her and Naomi.
OUCH! Boaz was willing to let go of the one thing he wanted to bad!
Boaz died to his right to have Ruth.
In chapter 4 Boaz assembles a congregation and presents Naomi's case to her closest kinsman and he says he'll take her land. This had to sting Boaz! But ultimately God turned the table.
How did God reward Boaz for dying to himsel? He let him have her!
Boaz - birth of a vision, death of a vision, fulfillment of a vision - and now Boaz & Ruth became the great grandparents of David and even greater grandparents of JESUS CHRIST!
1) He waited for the opportunity - he didn't go out and pursue it.
2) He gave up the opporunity when it came - he died to what he wanted.