
Lev 16:5-10 & 21 (2/19/13)

Two Goats - on the Day of Atonement!

February 19, 2013 • Benham Brothers

* Chain of events in Leviticus:
1 - Regs for Offerings
2 - Installation of Aaron as Priest
3 - Distinction bt Unclean & Clean
4 - DAY OF ATONEMENT - how we get "reconciled" to God
5 - Holy Living
Goat for Sin / Goat for Guilt (stubborn goat)
Man of "READINESS" releases the scapegoat
If you feel guilty then you're not ready to fight - you can't fight when you have a stubborn goat attached to you
UFC Figther - he's loose - You have to LOOSE that goat of guilt! Break free from that chain!