
Leviticus 6:13 (2/11/16)

Be Holy

February 11, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Theme of Leviticus is to "be holy" - this means to be "set apart."
• God was establishing a pattern with Israel, not a pet.
• So that the world may know there is a God....
• The first principle in being set apart - the offering of a sacrifice.
• All of them point to Christ as our ultimate sacrifice.
• It works in that order - offering, then sacrifice.
• If blood was shed, it symbolized two things:
• 1) Offeror's identification with the sacrifice.
• 2) Laying on of hands symbolized transfer of guilt to the sacrifice.
• In the OT, there were six specific sacrifices:
• 1) Burnt offering - expressed they were wholly devoted to God.
• 2) Meal offering - expressed dedication to God for that which they were able to produce.
• 3) Drink offering - symbolized being poured out for God.
• 4) Peace/Fellowship offering - expressed thanksgiving that they were at peace with God.
• 5) Sin Offering - cleansed away sin.
• Different sacrifices for different people - Priests, Leaders, People.
• 6) Trespass/Guilt offering - symbolized restitution - making payment for the sins we committed and living with the consequences.
• vs 6:13 - the fire was never to be put out!