
Luiheid - Laziness

Episode 22

Angus Buchan

2 Tessalonisense 3:6-10
Ek glo niemand is meer selfsugtig as ‘n luiaard nie. Ons moet die werk doen waarvoor God ons geroep het. As ‘n luiaard nie sy weë verander nie, moet jy niks meer met hom te doen hê nie, sê die Bybel. Dis streng, maar dis soos om vir mense wat ‘n in varkhok bly “hamburgers“ te voer. Solank jy hulle bly voer, sal hul daar bly. Ouers moenie aanhou om vir kinders geld te gee as hul te lui is om te werk nie. Maar wees lief vir hulle en bid vir hulle.

2 Thessalonians 3:6-10
I don’t think there is anything more selfish than a lazy person. We need to do the work that God has called us to do. If he will not change his ways, have nothing more to do with him, the Bible says. Those are stern words. It’s like feeding people hamburgers when they are in the pig sty. As long as you feed them, they will stay in the pig sty. Parents also shouldn’t continue to give children money if they are too lazy to work. You are not doing them a favour. Love them and pray for them.

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