
Geloof Deel 2 - Faith Part 2

Episode 26

Angus Buchan

Romeine 10:17
Wat beperk God se werk in jou lewe en my lewe? Ongeloof. Geloof kom van luister, en luister as gevolg van gehoorsaamheid aan die Woord van God. As jy geloof wil hê, moet jy delf in die Woord van God. Abram was ‘n gewone man nes ek en jy. Maar hy het gekies om God te glo. Toe God sê Hy moet Isak gaan offer, het Abram nie gehuiwer nie. En Abram het bekend gestaan as die Vriend van God. Bid dat God jou geloof sal versterk.

Romans 10:17
What restricts God from working in your and my life? Unbelief. You need faith, and faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If you want faith, you need to get into the Word of God. Abraham was an ordinary man like you and me but he chose to believe God. When God told him to sacrifice Isaac, he did not hesitate. That is why God loved Abraham. Abraham is the only man in the Bible whom God refers to as His ‘friend’.

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