
Die Beste Begin - The Best Beginning

Episode 17

Angus Buchan

Johannes 14:27
Die Beste Begin is om jou dag te begin in God se teenwoordigheid. As jy dit nie doen nie, is jou hele dag deurmekaar en raak jy maklik gespanne. Angus stel voor dat ons in ons stiltetyd dink aan ACTS. Begin met A- Adoration, aanbidding, dan C- Confession, oftewel belydenis, dan kom T-Thanksgiving, wees dankbaar vir elke seëning en sluit af met S-Supplication, dit is om vir iemand in te tree in gebed. Ons bid vir ons naaste, ons geliefdes en natuurlik ons regering.

John 14:27
The Best Beginning is to start your day in the presence of God. If you fail to make time for Jesus, your whole day will be upside down and you’ll easily give in to stress. Angus uses a method of meditation based on the word ACTS. A-Adoration, C is for confession, T-Thanksgiving, and S-Supplication which means to pray for someone or something. We should i.e.pray for our neighbors, our loved ones and our government.

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