
U Wil - Thy Will

Episode 16

Angus Buchan

Johannes 17:4
Angus verwys na Jesus se woorde in Getsemane, toe Hy vir sy Vader gesê het: “Die werk wat U My gegee het om te doen, het Ek volbring”. Dit was voor die kruisiging, maar Hy het reeds die besluit geneem om nie sy wil nie, maar sy Vader se wil te laat geskied. Die moeilikste is om die besluit te maak. Wanneer die besluit genéém is, is die stryd reeds gewen.

John 17:4
Angus refers to the words of Jesus in Gethsemane when He said to His Father: “I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do“. That was before the crucifixion. He has made the decision not to follow His own will, but the will of his Father. The most difficult period is the period of decision making. Once the decision has been taken, it is finished. The battle has been won.

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