
Genadiglik Skenk - Freely Give

Episode 12

Angus Buchan

Die Here sê dat dit meer geseënd is om te gee as om te ontvang. Oom Angus gebruik illustrasies van sy boerdery om ons aan die groei en vermenigvuldigings konsep te herinner. Hy deel Johannes 12:24. Daar is altyd iets wat ons kan gee en dit hoef nie noodwendig geld te wees nie. Dit kan of ons tyd, of ons woorde, of bemoediging of deernis wees wat ons deel. Geniet hierdie episode.

The Lord says that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Uncle Angus reminds us about the growth and multiplication using illustrations from his farming. He shares from John 12:24. There is always something that we can give. It doesn’t have to be money. It can be our time or our words or encouragement or compassion. Enjoy this episode.

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