
Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021 - God's Prayer Requirements: Pray for God's Will

February 10, 2021

Prayer can be powerful – and God wants us to pray, but He demands it’s done His way including for the right reason. Scripture’s clear – we must start with a clean heart with no unconfessed sin. But we must also pray according to God’s will. How often do we pray considering only our will or what we think is best? When we pray as God requires -He’ll answer. But if we don’t - He won’t even hear us. Jesus Christ prayed according to His Father’s will. Shouldn’t we? Seeing our prayers answered demands obedience in all things – including a submissive attitude to God’s will. So, as Christ prayed, let us also finish with the words, ‘nevertheless not my will but thine be done.’ Powerful prayer requires praying for God’s will in our prayers.