
Things to Put Away Series: Put Away Doing Evil

August 29, 2024

Transcript: A clean life does not begin with better clothing or a new haircut, but with a clean heart. What is the key to living a clean life before the Lord? Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. In Isaiah 1:16, the prophet told his readers to “make themselves clean.” How? They were told to “cease to do evil.” Jesus offered a similar teaching. He noted it’s not what we put into our body that makes us clean, but what comes out of it. Our hurtful words and actions come from a heart that responds from anger or bitterness. The answer is to fill our hearts with God’s love through His Word. When we focus our lives on what is good, we are more likely to honor the Lord. Our heavenly Father empowers us toward a holy life, but we must be willing to put away doing evil. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.