
Rules and Grace: Day #35

45 Days of Prayer

October 14, 2023 • Devotion Leader • Colossians 2:20–23

“In religion, acceptance comes out the end, on the basis of assessment of merit. If that is religion, Christianity is not a religion is not a religion. It is a relationship. And acceptance comes at the beginning. That is radical!” Dr. John Lennox. The relationship of the Christian to the unseen Christ is the essential part of what makes being a Christian different than those who adhere to all other religions. We have eternal life now. We have fellowship with God the Father, and the Holy Spirit now. All the rules we have had in the past are not meant to last, for life could not come in the rules; life and acceptance came by faith in Jesus. So let us not forget that our righteousness comes not by rules but by Grace, through our trust and loyalty. That will guard our hearts from the sensual indulgence Paul mentions here.

Father in heaven, help us to be faithful. So that the right living you desire to see in us comes because of the grace you have given to us through the faith we have in your son, Jesus. Let that be the power that crucifies the flesh and restrains the sensual indulgence of our hearts so that our lives reflect the character of Christ. In Christ’s name, we pray, Amen.