
Doing Life Together: Day #45

45 Days of Prayer

October 24, 2023 • Devotion Leader • Hebrews 10:25

As Christians, we are called to live in community, to do life together. Community is a beautiful thing, but it’s also messy and requires vulnerability and grace. In our school age years, we are thrown into a group and forced to build community with the guidance of a teacher. As adults, it’s much easier to just keep to ourselves; going to work, paying bills, cooking, and cleaning; Living without any real community.

So, the human connection we all crave leaves a mark. However, if we want to have this community and be faithful to our calling, we must learn to create spaces to connect and build community. We must choose to open our schedule, homes, and our lives to invite others in. Doing life together like Jesus requires us to be vulnerable and this is difficult. Yet, some of our greatest blessings in life are the individuals and families with whom we’ve had the courage to build the type of community Jesus demonstrated. This isn’t easy. It takes forgiveness, patience, sacrifice, and old-fashioned grit. Are you doing life together with anyone? Are you open to being vulnerable and allowing others in?

Father, thank you for not having to walk through life alone. Thank you for the gift of community and doing life together. Guide us to establish deep friendships and to be willing to be vulnerable enough to do life together., prepare us for a new season of growth and that he would open new doors for Adventure! In Christ name we pray, Amen.