
Engaging Our Community: Day #44

45 Days of Prayer

October 23, 2023 • Devotion Leader • 2 Corinthians 10:5

So much of the world, the community around us has a ‘been there, done that” attitude toward the church. There is a history there. It is easy to settle into different “camps” of “us” and “them.” Often, we don’t even notice we do it. But Jesus came from heaven in many ways, like an invasion force to break us out of the bonds to slavery. We had no hope, but he found a way. We had no reason to live, but He showed us the truth and made us children of God. We must carry the light and expose the darkness for what it is. We have to take the truth in a way they can understand it. This means we need to know the words they use, how they use them, and why, to know how to best communicate the eternal truths and make the idea’s we follow obedient to Christ.

At the same time, we must continue to demonstrate the grace that is in Christ Jesus to those who do not believe.

This isn’t easy. It takes time and we must work hard to not be led away by false ideas that may seem pleasant to the heart. We must trust the Spirit to lead us to the truth and obey it wherever it leads us.

Father, as we look to the people in our community, help us to find ways to understand how to communicate best the truths you preserved in your scripture. Give us the grace to live what we believe, so that the world can see no hypocrisy in us. Father, we pray that our servant hearts demonstrate the engagement we seek with our minds. We pray this in Christ name, Amen.