
A Prayer for More Servants: Day #32

45 Days of Prayer

October 11, 2023 • Devotion Leader • Matthew 9:35–38

You don’t have to look far to see that many in the world are desperate. People want REAL truth and REAL love, not just smoke and mirrors. That is exactly what Jesus offers, because that is who he is, and he gives himself, no gimmicks, No games. We need people to go, people who genuinely believe and have been changed by the love and truth that is in Jesus. Are you willing to Go? To go love people who don’t deserve it? To forgive the unrepentant? To give to the needy? What is holding back those who would come forward? It is the small things that have a big impact in the Kingdom.

Let’s pray that God will raise up people to serve in the various ministries of the church, or in new ministry not yet started. Who knows where God might lead us. Today, pray that God would prepare us for a new season of fruit and faithfulness!

Father, you have made each of us to do great things, we pray that you would raise up people to serve in ministry focusing them on the mission of loving others courageously and pursuing God radically. Father, help us to know where you are calling us to use our gifts to serve the church and reach the world. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.