
Equipping the Saints: Day #38

45 Days of Prayer

October 17, 2023 • Devotion Leader • Ephesians 4:11–12

What we have been given in Christ is everything we need to do the mission He has given us. Some of us were given as apostles (those sent as ambassadors), some prophesying truths, some spreading good news, and others overseeing the faith development of new converts and training new teachers. But the end goal for all of these people was to help the church do the work of the ministry, to live a life that speaks of the gospel truths, To love people when no one else would (because that is what Christ did for us), and to lead with a Godly influence for a greater impact in accomplishing the mission. Each of us has that place and is called to use our abilities to build up the church. Spend some time praying over your talents so that in humility, God might multiply what He does with them. So that the church might be more effective at making disciples.

Father in heaven, you know what ability you have given me. Help me refine it, so that I might lead others to know Jesus, and that I might help others refine their abilities so that all the more might know of Jesus and his work among us. We pray this in his name and for His glory, Amen.