
Pray for our Staff: Day #31

45 Days of Prayer

October 10, 2023 • Devotion Leader • Colossians 4:2–3

Prayer is an invaluable privilege, and, with this privilege comes responsibility. God expects us to use the unlimited power of prayer for those around us (pray for one another), those that influence our lives (pray for our leaders) and those that are that are working to further the work of the Kingdom of Christ. 

As in Colossians 4:2-3, Paul teaches we must devote ourselves to prayer, being both watchful and thankful. During this time Paul was in prison. He asks the Colossians to pray for him - not for his release but rather that God would “open a door for our message”. Paul put the proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ over obtaining his freedom. The staff at Adventure have the same type of commitment and desire to advance the cause of Jesus Christ that Paul had. They have literally devoted their lives to the cause. Because of this they often suffer the burden of being under the constant assault from the Devil. Just as Paul expected prayer from the Christians of that day, we have an obligation to pray for the staff who have dedicated their lives to Christian service.

Father, we thank you for those who have committed their lives to serving You. We thank you for their willingness to serve. We ask that You give them the strength and stamina to complete their tasks. We pray for their protection from the attacks of Satan and his minions. Finally, we pray for their emotional and psychological well-being as they serve in an increasingly hostile world. We ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.