
Holiness: Day #40

45 Days of Prayer

October 19, 2023 • Devotion Leader • Hebrews 12:14

Holiness is often avoided when it comes to pleasant conversation. Who wants to talk about that! In truth, holiness is very special in God’s eyes. Holiness is in right acting; having a character that reflects God’s true nature and love. This is exactly why holiness is so important to God. It’s where we develop and show one of the most profound types of intimacy and connection with Him. Holiness is where we live the character of God.

Think about how that can impact how we testify to his love and grace. Think about what living out God’s justice in our own lives can do for the world around us. So many try to make the law reflect God’s character, when he is calling his children to reflect his character. It is easy to make laws, it is hard to live in holiness. And we often avoid holiness in a particular part of life, and it makes our lives more difficult. Spend some time probing areas of your life where God might be calling you to a higher standard and ask what you can do to honor him more.

Father, so much of what we do falls short of who you are. But we want to honor you with our lives. Show us places where we don’t obey and give us the power that resurrected Jesus to help us live a new life! We acknowledge so much of the holiness you see in us comes from him, and we want more reflected in our actions. Teach us Lord and lead our hearts and minds. We pray this in Christ’s name, Amen.