
Persevering on the Road Ahead: Day #41

45 Days of Prayer

October 20, 2023 • Devotion Leader • Galatians 6:9

When we set out on a new journey, even with a plan in place, it can feel daunting. We sometimes get lost in all the work we’re doing, the lack of progress we see or feel, or the overwhelming amount of work required to get to the final destination. In Galatians, Paul is encouraging the church of Galatia to continue persevering and fighting the good fight. 

This next chapter as a church is filled with exciting goals and steps forward. We are stepping into this journey together and it will require each of us to pray, listen, step forward in faith, and trust. We must not grow weary of doing good but keep pursuing what God is calling us to. How can we keep pressing on? How can we encourage our family, friends, and our church leadership during this next chapter as a church? What does “pressing on” look like for you? Is it stepping into a new serving role, committing to pray daily for someone, being more intentional in sharing your faith with others? What about pressing on when you don’t see the results you’re hoping for? Today, please focus your prayer efforts on what’s next for Adventure. Pray that God would prepare us for a new season of growth and that he would open new doors for Adventure!

Dear Lord, so many things can take our focus. So many sins can sway the heart’s affection. May we fix our eyes on you and keep pressing on, knowing all we need to keep going you have provided. Give us the steadfast heart of Jesus, for we pray in his name for his glory. Amen.