
Can I have seconds? - 2 Kings 2

July 23, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Kings 2

"I believe that in each generation God has called enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes of the earth. It is not God who does not call. It is man who will not respond!" — Isobel Kuhn, missionary to China and Thailand

We need to seek the Lord for spiritual power in these desperate days! We don’t need to be concerned about numbers or programs. We don’t need to be concerned about becoming seeker friendly. We don’t need to get caught up in the many debates that are engaging the hearts and minds of church folks. What we need to do is to carry out the Great Commission. We need to be filled with the Spirit of God! We need to get before the Lord and request an influx of His power and His glory in these days! If we are to get the job done, we must have Him!

We need Him and His power more than we need crowds, money, buildings, or any of the things we hold so dear. We need a second helping! Elijah challenges Elisha - “You have asked a hard thing!”  Sunday I will challenge us all to step up and do the hard thing! We must stop seeking the easy way or the shortcut – take on the ‘hard thing’ together. 

This kind of blessing and power does not come upon the uncommitted! It is reserved for those who will pay the price in prayer and holiness before the Lord! If you are willing to go all the way with the Lord, He will bless your life with His power and glory! Would to God we had more like Elijah who share and Elisha who will not give up! The future demands that God’s servants be filled with God's Spirit! We need that same spirit of faith, obedience, and courage that rested on Elijah to be placed within us! Do not be afraid to ask for God’s power and do not be afraid to ask for seconds!

Pastor Mike