
Desperate Times – Desperate Measures - 2 Kings 7

August 20, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Kings 7

“God, who foresaw your tribulations, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain.”  C.S.Lewis

The 4 lepers were desperate!  They were caught between the enemies of Israel who would kill them without hesitation and the city under siege that would not let them in due to their contagious condition – leprosy!  The enemy soldiers were desperate to get in – the city was desperate to keep them out – the lepers were desperate just to eat.  What the army could not do – starvation was about to complete.  Into this desperate situation God speaks through the prophet Elisha – promise that did not seem even remotely possible.  

The lepers did not know of these predictions – they simply made a choice to act or die – they acted! 

Sunday will be lessons of humility and trust and desperation.  Through all of life’s challenges God is good!  Please come walk with us into the camp of the enemy and see that God is already there.  Come and listen to the promises of God – they will be kept!  Come hear the Word of God and know that it can be trusted.  

If nothing else – you will hear an explanation of Pascal’s Wager and how it worked for the lepers and how you can use it as a tool to share your faith – Walk with me Sunday!

Pastor Mike