
Go Along to Get Along - 1 Kings 22

August 27, 2023 • Mike Burt • 1 Kings 22

The real danger in the World today for believers is not sympathy with the World but apathy in 

the World.  Do you really want to know God’s will? Too many people really DON’T. Why? They have chosen to go along to get along – easy life!  But doing God’s will and doing God’s work will bring opposition and obstacles.  Ask Micaiah – a single story prophet contemporary with Elijah and Elisha.  We skipped him earlier because I wanted to use his faithfulness as an introduction to the call of Timothy to walk with Paul in the New Testament. 

If we seek God’s will and hear God’s call then we have a problem – obey or ignore?  So some will chose to merely go along in the World to get along with the World.  Not Micaiah!  He was a godly man in an ungodly day.  This is a great story of courage, faithfulness, consequences and promise.  Join me Sunday back in the court of Ahab – listen to the ease of men and the truth of God.  Hear the clarity of faith contrasted to the melody of compromise.  

I am getting ready to share the Narnia book with the Greenhouse kids on Wednesday nights and I am reminded of a favorite quote in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as Mr Beaver responds to Susan about Aslan, “Is he-quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion"..."Safe?" said Mr Beaver ..."Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King!”  The truth may not be safe – but it is the TRUTH! 

Pastor Mike