
Strengthening the Disciples

Acts 18:18-28

August 29, 2021 • Mike Burt • Acts 18:18–28

Paul had given so much! 18 months in Corinth faithful in his teaching and mentoring while enduring the opposition of some Jews and the oppression of so much sin! (Corinth was well known). Paul is now a little homesick and he desired to return to Jerusalem and celebrate the feasts that foretold of the Messiah. Travelling through Ephesus he hurries on toward his sending churches of Antioch and Jerusalem. Though in haste he never neglected to ‘strengthen’ the disciples. The fruit of mentoring is seen when others are trained to do what we were doing – so Aquilla and Pricilla took on the discipleship of Apollos since Paul was headed home. So many great examples – models of discipleship and mentoring – all this Sunday as we gather. See you Sunday!

Pastor Mike

“You teach what you know but you reproduce what you are.” Howard Hendricks