
Almost Persuaded

Acts 26

October 24, 2021 • Mike Burt • Acts 26

“It is not the pain but the purpose that makes a martyr.” Augustine

The testimony of Paul is questioned yet again! From his persecutions by the Sanhedrin and then to Felix and then to Festus his trials end with an examination by Agrippa II. Paul follows the same format we heard a few weeks ago about how to share our testimony – who I was – who Jesus is – what I am now in Christ! Paul is clear about his past and how God saved him! Festus declares him ‘mad’ and Agrippa complains that he is trying to convert him so quickly. Sunday we will see the anger of the Jews, the curiosity of the Romans, the peace of the believers and the love of our Lord – all in one story! Don’t miss it – Paul is preparing for his one way trip to Rome. We must finish this journey together – see you Sunday.

Pastor Mike

“The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.” Tertullian