
End of the beginning!

November 7, 2021 • Mike Burt • Acts 28

Rome at last! After several years – three trials – assassination attempts – shipwreck – snakebite – Paul finally reaches the city of Rome. This last chapter of Acts is our final story of Paul but the beginning of the accounts of the Church. The Gospel was handed to the early Apostles at the beginning of Acts and then the baton is passed to Paul after meeting Jesus on the Road toward Damascus. Three Missionary Journeys later Paul is taken to Rome under bonds and placed in house arrest. While there and sensing the end of his ministry Paul pens his final books to Churches and Pastors. What we will note most significantly is that the book has no clear ending – no finale – no swan song – not even a final soliloquy by our star. The saga is unfinished because the task is not finished by any single generation. We must shoulder our portion and carry it with passion while training the next wave of servants to continue the ministries we have received until the King returns! Acts 28 is an open and unfinished account because much of the World has not heard the Good News! A favorite pastor of my reading times is Oswald J Smith and Sunday I will pair a few of his thoughts with the power of Paul’s final chapter. Join us! See you Sunday –

Pastor Mike