
Life’s Work

Acts 18:1-17

August 22, 2021 • Mike Burt • Acts 18:1–17

How can we be faithful when times are tough and efforts are opposed? Keep in mind the balance of love and truth! Our life’s work is God’s mission for us – we will see this in Corinth with Paul.

“Our love grows soft if it is not strengthened by truth, and our truth grows hard if it is not softened by love.” John Stott

Paul was a witness wherever he went! To make ends meet he took on a job that may have been a previous job or hobby. As he worked with tents Paul led them to Christ while he was at work. Work can be a place getting to know people, getting to understand their needs, and as a normal place for evangelism -- but not on company time. Work is an excellent place to make contacts with people who are searching for answers in life. Paul also continued his custom of reaching out in the Synagogues – here in Corinth but without much success. Opposed, Paul seeks new opportunities and finds them next door – we should look there too! Lots to see this week in Acts 18 – hope you will join us on our journey into Corinth.

Pastor Mike