
Why are we here?

Acts 19:21-41

September 12, 2021 • Mike Burt • Acts 19:21–41

“Persecution is simply the clash between two irreconcilable value-systems.” John Stott
Paul was at the center of a riot! What had Paul done that was so egregious to warrant this violent outburst? Evangelism. This response was not one of his own making – he was merely sharing his faith and preaching the Gospel but the outcomes were devastating. Paul was not at odds with the Roman Government – he had broken no laws nor had he undermined any duly appointed authorities. Yet the people rose up and demanded that he be silenced. Luke's purpose here was to show Paul's witness and the violent reaction of Ephesus. Luke’s second purpose for including this incident was to show that spiritually, the only thing that unbelievers can do against Paul and the Christian faith “is to shout itself hoarse”. Unbelievers will often oppose the gospel because they are blind to their need and oblivious to God's love and gift of grace. Sunday we will ask some personal quesitons like: What are we concerned for in our world? What have we conceded to the demands of the World? Whose counsel to we listen to when challenged? Good stuff in the last half of Acts 19 – join us Sunday!
Pastor Mike
“God examines with trials, the devil examines with temptations, the world examines with persecutions.” Henry Smith