
Meet the Prophets: Elijah and Elisha - 1 & 2 Kings

June 4, 2023 • Mike Burt • 1 Kings, 2 Kings

The two most prominent preaching prophets of the Old Testament are Elijah and Elisha. Their story is a model of courage and discipleship. Elijah answers God’s call with great boldness and faith – then calls on Elisha to follow him in the footsteps of Jehovah. I have said before that there is no success without a successor – Elijah pours into Elisha and God gives both men an extraordinary ministry! In the Bible, prophets often had both a teaching and revelatory role, declaring God’s truth on contemporary issues while also revealing details about the future. Prophets had the task of faithfully speaking God’s Word to the people. They were instrumental in guiding the nation of Israel and establishing the church. God’s household is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone” (Ephesians 2:20). More than 133 named prophets are mentioned in the Bible, including 16 women. In addition, numerous others prophesied, such as the 70 elders of Israel (Numbers 11:25) and the 100 prophets rescued by Obadiah (1 Kings 18:4).

As I see several men in Scripture who are sold out to follow the LORD, I think of three who are outstanding examples of mentoring – Moses adopts Joshua and trains him. Elijah adopts Elisha and trains him. John the Baptist adopts several disciples, many who later follow Jesus who also adopts several disciples and pours into them for three years. Do you see the pattern? 

Join me this summer as we examine the lives of two men who dominate the pair of books known as the Kings (15 of 47 chapters are about them).

God used Elijah powerfully and at great risk – yet while watching this calling - Elisha asked for a double portion of this calling – a true protégé and disciple of the Lord. Let us do so as well! During this series I will ask often the pair of questions: Are you following the Lord? Who is following you?

I invite you to walk with me this summer as we follow the shadows of two great men of God and hopefully strive toward being better disciples and making disciples!

Pastor Mike