
What will you part with?

Acts 21

September 26, 2021 • Mike Burt • Acts 21

In Acts 21 Paul is finishing the 3rd Missions Trip and returning home.
Luke is showing that Paul feels like he has to go to Jerusalem. We must remember that the believers there were suffering greatly and Paul and the others were to arrive with much needed aid that they had collected through the generosity of the churches.
God is often way less concerned with our comfort than we think He should be. He is not interested in comfort as much as He is with our maturity and His glory.
God is focused on what we become and much less on what we have accomplished. Sunday join us as we head home with Paul and realize what we must ‘part with’ to make this journey.
God asks much of us but no where near what He has done for us!

See you Sunday,
Pastor Mike