
Something from Nothing - 2 Kings 4

July 30, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Kings 4

In his book “The Problem of Pain” C.S. Lewis gives this great quote: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

God uses the difficult to get our attention and the impossible to gain our trust! Our needs are never unknown to the Lord. He watches and knows all! Though God is the Creator and Sustainer of all that is (Col 1:17) He is still attentive to the smallest details too. Sunday Elisha encounters a desperate mom who is distraught for her kids and has no means of support since she was widowed. She had been the wife of a prophet might have imagined that serving the LORD would protect her from losses or difficulties - not so. In fact, the Scriptures often tell the stories of saints who are allowed into great problems so that their faith is tested and strengthened by the graces of God. 

God is not asking us to see the solution or even fix the problem - He is asking us trust Him and give Him what we have. He asked Moses for a stick and Jesus asked the little boy for his lunch - and from those tiny things - GREAT things happened! Will you give to God what you have - even though you know it is not enough. God will make Something from Nothing!

See you Sunday - bring someone who needs something!

Pastor Mike