
God Gives Us Enough - 1 Kings 17:7-16

June 11, 2023 • Mike Burt • 1 Kings 17:7–16

“To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust him in the dark, that is faith.” C.H. Spurgeon

Elijah was a man faced with great need! But he was not the only one – he found another just as desperate – the widow of Zarephath. This is a common factor in much of the world – people have unmet needs. Some are simple and minor while others are dire and serious. There will be times in every one of our lives when we will experience a need of some type. Maybe that need will be material in nature, that seems to be where we focus much of our own attention in this earthly life. There will certainly be times when there will be emotional needs relating to other people in our lives. 

At other times, we will face days when the greatest need in our lives will be spiritual in nature. What are we to do when needs arise? The natural reaction is for us to worry, but we know from the Bible that this is not God’s will for our lives, Phil. 4:6; Matt. 6:25-33. Should we try to meet our own needs? No – seek first the heart of God and listen to His voice. Don’t go to God as a last resort – go there first! Elijah left the Brook Cherith and traveled to Zarephath only to discover the widow’s needs were as great as his and even more discouraging. Yet in full faith, he asked her to listen to the promise of God and obey. Trusting God when we see the answer is not faith – trusting God for the answer is faith! Come Sunday and hear of true faith in the face of a life that was helpless and hopeless apart from God.  

Pastor Mike