
Gaining and Growing

Acts 19:1-20

September 5, 2021 • Mike Burt • Acts 19:1–20

The purpose of the Church was challenged by two groups in Acts 19 – the first were the Jews who wanted nothing to do with this sect of the Way. The second were the Jews who practiced exorcism and they wanted to harness the power for their occupation. Neither of these sets wanted to receive the grace and mercy offered by forgiveness of sin and redemption. Paul could abide neither! Sunday I want to take us back to Ephesus and follow Paul around as he shares the Word. I also want to explain why early faith was referred to by the title ‘Way’ and use this to challenge us to live beyond sitting in Church and be Gaining and Growing followers of Christ! Hope to see you this Labor Day weekend!

Pastor Mike

“Discipleship entails a life of total self-denial, a humble disposition towards others, a whole-hearted devotion to the Lord alone.” John McArthur