
Giving a Testimony

Acts 22

October 3, 2021 • Mike Burt • Acts 22

Telling our life stories seems to be basic to most human relationships – it is how friendships are founded and forged. Not all of us can write poetry, solve mathematical equations or even build a house. Everyone can tell their story – as a journey of faith we call this a ‘testimony’. In fact, except for God, no one is more an expert on that testimony than you are. This is why, for the believer, there is no more powerful way to share the Gospel than to simply tell your Christ-story—the story of how you came to know Christ and how He has transformed you.
As we read the Book of Acts, Paul on at least two occasions took the simple approach of giving his testimony of salvation - he told his Christ-story. In Acts 22 he was speaking to an unruly crowd of people in Jerusalem who accused Paul of disrespecting God’s law and dishonoring the temple. His testimony fell neatly into three parts. Who he was, who Jesus is and what he will do – each explaining Paul’s past, present and future. Sunday I will walk us through Paul’s testimony – share some of my testimony and challenge you to confirm and then share your testimony with someone.

See you Sunday!
Pastor Mike

“The God whom we worship is not a weak and incompetent God. He is able to beat back gigantic waves of opposition and to bring low prodigious mountains of evil. The ringing testimony of the Christian faith is that God is able.” Martin Luther