
Students of Berea

Acts 17

August 8, 2021 • Mike Burt

Paul introduces to us someone very important this week in his travels – the Bereans.
Believers today should be more like the Bereans as we read in Acts 17. We should not be fooled by emotional singing followed by sermons that are based on shoddy exegesis. True Berean believers as in Acts 17 need to see a truth taught in Scripture. Illustrations won’t prove a truth for them – show us the Text!
Sadly, too many church people today, including many believers, do not critically evaluate what they hear. If they are moved by a great worship service or a very emotional preacher, they may well be swept along by what the preacher is saying without even engaging their minds as to whether what he is saying is Biblical or not.
Berean believers will not be persuaded by stories and feelings. They must be convinced by the Word of God. The opposite is also true. Berean believers would let their tradition stand in the way of being open to clear teaching from the Word of God.
Sunday all I ask is what I pray for each Sunday – let us gather and listen and seek the heart of God from the Word of God!