
What must I do?

Acts 16

August 1, 2021 • Mike Burt

“So, if we only lead one soul to Christ, we may set a stream in motion that will flow on when we are dead and gone …” D.L. Moody, The Overcoming Life
A jailhouse drama is set up by a most unusual source – a witness of the Gospel. Satan will use any source to discredit the Lord and those who serve the Gospel – even if they tell the truth. This girl is a lucrative small-business of ‘divining’ for the men who own her. Like so many young girls, she is used by others, but her strange public announcements about Paul and his little band of missionaries, we suspect, do not bring much income to her owners. “These men,” she cries out, “are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us a way of salvation.” Paul put a stop to the demons that possessed her and the men lost their spectacle. Those men raised a stink and had Paul and Silas imprisoned.
While they were in prison they sang and prayed. They didn’t complain or whine or withdraw. Instead they witnessed to their faith. They were not ashamed of their beliefs and they were not afraid to make their faith visible. They used their confinement as an opportunity to worship. As it turns out at least one of their captors was listening.
Freed by a miracle they were held in place by love! The faith of Paul and Silas was one of courage, love and passion for others. They challenged the status quo and were imprisoned unjustly. God, however intervened and Paul and Silas were set free. They were liberated, free again to continue their ministry in Philippi and in other places.
Sunday we will join the missionaries on the trek of truth and prison – sing with them – pray with them – rejoice with them! Hope you can be there!
Pastor Mike
“Faith makes all things possible … love makes all things easy.” D.L. Moody